Plant Disease Identifier
Alternaria Blight
Angular Leaf Spot
Copper Fungicide,
Revitalize Biofungicide,
Neem Max,
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Blue Mold
Botrytis Blight
Botrytis Fruit Rot
Botrytis Species
Brown patch
Consan 20
(*lawn only)
Cane Spot
Canker rot
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Cercospora Blight
Coryneum Blight
Damping off
Consan 20
(*seedlings only)
Dollar spot
Consan 20
(*lawn only)
Downy Mildew Species *
Revitalize Biofungicide,
Neem Max,
Consan 20
(*seedlings and ornamentals only)
Early Blight
Fading out
Consan 20
(*lawn only)
Fruit Rot
Fusarium blight
Consan 20
(*lawn only)
Fusarium Oxysporum
(soil disease) *
Grape Powdery Mildew
Gray Mold
Copper Fungicide,
Revitalize Biofungicide,
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Heart rot
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Late Blight
Leaf Blight
Copper Fungicide,
Revitalize Biofungicide,
Neem Max,
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Leaf Spots Species
Copper Fungicide,
Consan 20
(*ornamentals and lawn only)
Consan 20
(*fountains, pools and birdbaths)
Onion Powdery Mildew
Phyllosticta blight
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Potato Blight
Powdery Mildew Species
Copper Fungicide,
Revitalize Biofungicide,
Neem Max,
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Rhizotonia Solani Triple Threat (soil disease)
Root Rot
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Sour Rot Grapes
Stem gall
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Stem Mildew
Stem rot
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Stem Spot
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Bacterial Leaf Blight
Bacterial Blight Common
Bacterial Blight Halo
Bacterial Erwinia
Bacterial Leaf Spot
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Bacterial Speck
Bacterial Spot
Bacterial Wilt
Black Crown Rot
Black Mold
Black Rot (Xanthomas)
Black Spot
Revitalize Biofungicide,
Neem Max,
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Botrytis Blight
Botrytis Species
Brown Spot
Crown gall
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Crown rot
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Crown Spots
Fire Blight
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Root rot
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Top rot
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)
Consan 20
(*ornamentals only)